Terminator is Back at IMAX


Anyone looking for a brief escape from the outdoors to a dystopian future with evil robots should look no further than “Terminator: Genisys,” which opens this Tuesday at Navy Pier’s IMAX Theatre.

Being billed a reboot, this version features humans being attacked on two fronts: the past and present. In order to save his mother’s life, John Connor sends his trusted lieutenant back in time. Yet, when the lieutenant gets to the past, things do not seem right. For one, the Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is now an ally and protector of Sarah Connor.

Twists aside, the crystal-clear images, coupled with IMAX’s customized theatre geometry and powerful digital audio, create a unique environment that will make audiences feel as if they are in the movie.

For those who don’t want to wait until Tuesday to have a unique theater experience, several pictures are currently being shown at the pier. Animal lovers and families with young children may want to check out “Pandas: The Journey Home,” which follows the efforts to protect the vulnerable species as they get reintroduced to the wild.

Science fiction fans and thrill seekers can still catch “Jurassic World,” which is the fourth installment of the series and set two decades after the first disaster. You’d think they’d learn the first time.

Weather buffs will love Sean Casey’s film “Tornado Alley.” Casey starred in Discovery’s show “Storm Chasers” for five seasons where his quest to film into the heart of a twister with his Tornado Intercept Vehicle was thoroughly documented. This film is the amazing result of that mission.

The theater is located on Navy Pier (600 E. Grand Ave.) and features films at all times of day. For more information, visit imax.com/oo/navy-pier-imax.

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