There are plenty of laughs left to come! The Second City continues to offer new and exciting virtual events. The best part is you don’t even have to leave your house in the freezing weather. Here are just some of the fun events that are going on now!
The Really Awesome Improv Show
Children are our future. This live online improv show is interactive and family friendly! All the high energy silliness is completely improvised and inspired by the children. It is the best show for kids because it runs completely on their suggestions and creativity. Participate in the show, provide funny suggestions, and learn something about improv. Purchase your ticket ASAP. The event takes place February 20th and March 20th!
The Plan: Black and White News
Pick a side! This virtual event is a safe space for different opinions to be expressed. The BIPOC comedians of Second City will debate on all major issues from “Is the pandemic real?” to “Is the earth flat?”. Don’t worry Karens, you are all welcome to join in the fun. You won’t be able to tell if you’re laughing from the humor or because you are uncomfortable. Sometimes adding a little humor into serious topics is a good way to cope. Tickets are on sale now and the event will take place February 18th and March 4th!
Tired of board games? Register for this Webinar event to give improv games a try. It does not matter if you are new to improv or an improv genus! Participants will have the option to join in the games or simply sign up to watch. Names will be picked at random to play! This event will take place every Wednesday through March. Register now and make sure to sign up for Zoom!
Open Mic night has gone virtual! Second City is opening back up their open mic night on Zoom. Performers will be randomly chosen and will receive a zoom link one day before they perform. Sign up for the chance to be picked! The event takes place every Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Remember to check out the Second City to keep up with all their new events. You do not miss the opportunity to participate!
Written By: Megan Collins