Chicago Annual Duck Derby

Chicago Duck Derby

Make sure you don’t miss the biggest race of the year! On August 8, 2019 at 10am over 60,000 rubber ducks will take a dip in the Chicago River for the annual Chicago Duck Derby! All of these rubber ducklings are racing all the way from 401 N Michigan Avenue to the Wabash Avenue Bridge to raise money for the Special Olympics of Illinois. The estimated finish time is around 1pm.

Each duck is sponsored by a loyal donor looking to support the athletes during their training and to help this great cause survive! If your duck crosses the finish line quickly you have the chance to win a 2019 Chevy Equinox, $2,500 in cash, an all-inclusive Apple vacation to Riviera Maya, Chicago Weekend Getaway, and NASCAR tickets!

Adopt a Duck:

1 duck is just $5

A Quack Pack of 6 ducks is $25

A Flock of Ducks is 24 ducks for $100

A Diamond Duck Pack of 240 ducks is $1,000

Visit to adopt a duck today! Your duck will be tagged with your name or your teams name if you wish to make one! You won’t want to miss this incredible site of thousands of bright yellow rubber ducks diving into the Chicago River from the Michigan Avenue Bridge!

Contact: Shelley Chenoweth with any further questions!

-Devin Johnson

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