Chicago Toy and Game Fair (ChiTAG), the largest toy and game fair in the U.S. open to the general public, returns to Navy Pier Nov. 18-19 offering a weekend of fun-filled discovery and interactive events.
The 15th annual ChiTAG event brings together consumers, families, inventors, manufacturers, retailers, educators, and hobbyists to play, celebrate, discover, support and promote the creation of toys and games. This year’s lineup of events includes:
- U.S. National Rummikub Championship
- Giant Soggy Doggy! (and they do mean GIANT)
- Meet Princess-Etch-A-Sketch, Ride the PlayMonster Super Swing
- LIVE Unboxing: Check out live unboxings from their Play Influencer team
- Ultra Dash Game Race, Automoblox Play Area, and Race Track
- Interactive Exhibits, Test out Products Before They Hit Retail Shelves
- Photo Ops: Snap a photo with some of your favorite characters from Star Wars
- Meet Toy & Game Inventors from Around the World
- Shop for the Hottest New and Classic Toys for the Holidays
- Enter the
- Young Inventor ChallengeChicago’s Largest Brush-a-Thon
- Yo-Yo Championship – Contestants from Coast to Coast
- Be entertained by Ben’s Giant Bubble Show
- Giveaways, Stage Events, Magic Shows, Contests
- and more!
Tickets are $14 for adults and $7 for children, available now at chitag.com/fair.
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