The 20th Annual Hospitality & Tourism Summit is Coming to Navy Pier This June 8th


We’re excited to announce that the Hospitality & Tourism Summit is returning for its 20th year with its signature trade show on June 8th at the Aon Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier. This will be the first in-person business oriented event at Navy Pier since they closed to the public in 2020. This year also includes 7 virtual educational sessions that will be available as early as May 25th.

That’s right you can start your educational sessions early this year since they will be available virtually with live Q&A sessions happening at the Trade Show on June 8. This year you can be prepared with your questions, know the speakers, and know who you want to connect with before you even set foot on the Trade Show floor.

Of course, the Hospitality & Tourism Summit is happy to be back to business and helping the industry reconnect after the last challenging year. The trade show has traditionally been the best place to connect, learn, and sell. This year won’t be any different!

Well, maybe slightly. Keeping their guests and exhibitor’s safety tops of mind, this year’s Trade Show will be in the 18,150 square foot Aon Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier and include two large adjacent rooms as well to give exhibitors plenty of space between booth and guests room to comfortably walk around. Given Navy Pier’s GBAC star rating and Safe Expo’s oversight of the event operations for safety, they are prepped to welcome guests back safely.

“As we collectively look to restore the hospitality and tourism industry following the devastating impact of the pandemic, the Hospitality & Tourism Summit will serve as a key event in beginning the economic recovery process here in Chicago,” said Navy Pier President and CEO Marilynn Gardner.

The event draws the “who’s who” in the industry each year and boasts 75+ exhibitors including venues, restaurants, night spots, hotels, event services, attractions, tours, shops and more. In addition, this year will include a live Entertainment Showcase, virtual educational sessions, and the chance to safely network with 1000+ industry professionals.

With five virtual educational sessions hosted by top names in Chicago’s events and tourism industry, this event is built to help you be successful, post COVID. Guests can take advantage of sessions ranging from “How To Keep Our Guests & Employees Safe” to “10+ Ways To Elevate Your Guest’s Experience” to learn how to move their businesses or careers forward. These sessions will be filmed in AV Chicago’s new state of the art hybrid event production studio in Chicago. Virtual educational sessions will be shown during the weeks leading up to the trade show and will start on May 25th

In addition, the Entertainment Showcase is generating buzz this year. After more than a year without the luxury of live entertainment, the Hospitality & Tourism Summit will be dazzling guests with performances from musicians, magicians, comedians and more throughout the course of the event.

Designed to cultivate relationships between concierges, meeting and event planners, and businesses that cater to Chicago’s groups, events and visitors, the Hospitality & Tourism Summit provides an inside look at the best Chicago has to offer.

For more information about the Hospitality & Tourism Summit, its signature trade show at Navy Pier on June 8th, or the virtual educational sessions, check out this video or learn more on their website.

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