Try Your Luck of the Irish with Fado’s Trip Giveaway


Gotta get away? Look no further than Fado Irish Pub! Fado is hosting a register-to-win trip giveaway to visit four distilleries and at least that many cultural attractions during a weeklong trip to Ireland. This once in a lifetime experience includes airfare, hotel, meals, distillery fees and transportation included.

The winners will have experiences at distilleries that are not available to the public, plus, they will travel outside of Dublin to see what else Ireland has to offer.  The trip will include stops at Jameson and Teelings in Dublin, Middleton in Cork and Tullamore D.E.W in Tullamore.  Additionally, they will visit a number of cultural attractions.

More information and the signup is here.

Winner will be chosen after St. Patrick’s Day.

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