On April 22, celebrate Earth Day by participating in events around the city to raise environmental awareness. Checkout some of these activities with friends and family!
Party for the Planet at Brookfield Zoo
Join Brookfield Zoo in celebrating Earth Day! On Saturday, April 22 from 9-2 pm, Brookfield Zoo is hosting a special recycling event in which anyone can drop off non-recyclable household items. On Sunday, April 23, join other zoo visitors for A Run for the Planet- a 2.2 mile fun, non-competitive run through the zoo geared towards the whole family. The race begins at 8 am and gates open at 6:30 am to register for the event. The fee for the race is $35 + a $3.10 SignUp fee.
Rotary Earth Day Cleanup at Grant Park
The Rotary Club of Chicago is hosting a cleanup event from April 16-24. Stop by from 10-12p during the week and help keep one of Chicago’s iconic parks clean. Gloves and garbage bags are provided. Sign up through Eventbrite.
Earth Day at Dvorak Park
Head over to Dvorak Park April 15 from 12-1p to celebrate Earth Day! With interactive displays, arts, and crafts, this is a great event for the whole family. Learn how you can make a difference in preserving the environment with hands-on activities.
Earth Day in Ravenswood Manor
Head out to Ravenswood Manor Saturday, April 22 from 9am-noon for a cleanup event. Help keep our city’s park clean by participating in this event where you can help spread mulch or pick up trash. Rakes, shovels, and mulch are provided, all you have to do is help! Feel free to bring a wheelbarrow for spreading the mulch. Make sure to dress for the weather and bring gloves to pick up trash.
Earth Day Habitat Tree Workshop
RSVP for this fun event to celebrate art and Earth Day at the Ravenswood Sculpture Garden. Saturday, April 22 from 10:30-12:30pm, participants will build pollinator nests that will be part of a habitat/sculpture in the Ravenswood Sculpture Garden. This interactive event is led by artists Janet Austin and Emily Moorehead-Wallace. Participants must RSVP for this event.
Annual Earth Day Cleanup and Celebration
Stop by Humboldt Park Saturday, April 22 from 9-2pm to celebrate Earth Day. From 9-12p cleanup the park, then from 12-2p enjoy live entertainment, refreshments, and a recycled art show. This is a great activity for families!
Earth Day Everyday Run
From April 22 to May 27, celebrate our Earth by joining other runners on Chicago’s Lakefront Trails. Register to run in this series of small, private group runs and for every person that registers, a tree will be planted by OneTreePlanted.org
Ancient Earth Day
Checkout Ancient Earth Day at the Oriental Institute Museum located at the University of Chicago on Saturday, April 22 from 1-5p. With hands-on events that include planting herbs to take home, a scavenger hunt, and docent-led tours, learn about sustainability in the ancient world. This is a free event open to all ages.
Earth Day Crafts
Stop by the Chicago Public Library West Lawn on Thursday, April 6 from 12-12:30p and make fun crafts with recyclable materials. This is the perfect activity for kids ages 6-13.
Three Cheers for Earth Day
Thursday, April 20 from 5-7p stop by Metropolitan Brewery to support Plant Chicago. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door for adults and children are free. Tickets include one beer. This is a fun Thursday evening activity for kids and adults. Enjoy vegan snacks, beer and raffle prizes while learning about Plant Chicago’s mission to help the environment.
Earth Day! Saturday Mimosas at Painting with a Twist
Celebrate Earth Day with a twist! On Saturday, April 22 from 2-4:30p head over to Bottle & Bottega in Lakeview for a fun afternoon of painting and mimosas. The painting for the afternoon is Waterfall Creek. For $40 a person paint and supplies are provided, just bring the bubbly! This is an all ages event.
Earth Day Celebration with Southside Blooms
Saturday, April 22 from 11-2p, celebrate Earth Day, with Southside Blooms- a unique florist on the south side of Chicago. This fun event takes place at Vernon Park Square and will have pony rides, flower planting, and more activities for kids. Register online and receive one raffle ticket per person. Bring batteries to recycle and get extra raffle tickets!
Beading Fun for Earth Day
Stop by the Chicago Public Library King Branch on Saturday, April 22 from 2-3:30p and make some fun jewelry with beads! Supplies are provided, but feel free to bring your own