3 Reasons to Visit Chicago’s Newest Museum

American Writer’s Museum President Carey Cranston shares three of his personal favorite things to do at this first-of-its-kind museum.

Photo Courtesy of the American Writer's Museum

Frederick Douglass: Agitator

This special exhibit really drives home how much weight his words still carry today. It’s also special in that this year marks the 200th anniversary of his birth in addition to the 125th anniversary of the World’s Columbian Exposition. Here you can explore excerpts from Douglass’ speeches, discover his life after the civil war, and learn about the pamphlet he and Ida B. Wells distributed to protest African-American exclusion from the Columbian Exposition.

Story of the Day

The Mind of a Writer gallery offers a glimpse into how writers think. A favorite part of this exhibit is the Story of the Day, which encourages visitors to type their own line to a story collectively written by those visiting that day. Every morning an opening line from a memorable American book, poem, essay, or short story is selected. From there, it’s up to you to help keep the yarn spinning, line by line.

Featured Works Table

This interactive exhibit invites you to take the deep dive into a select library of American masterworks. For those looking to hear the story behind the story this is a must-do (whether you’re a literary geek or not). A multi-sensory experience, be prepared for unexpected surprises like hearing audio clips of William Faulkner reading his own work.

For additional information, including admission and hours, visit the American Writer’s Museum online.

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