Discover Hidden Architectural Gems this Weekend

Tour soaring skyscrapers, repurposed mansions, opulent theaters, exclusive private clubs, private offices, and breathtaking sacred spaces... for free.

Elks National Memorial | Eric Allix Rogers

For 48 hour, Oct. 14-15, Open House Chicago (OHC) from the Chicago Architecture Foundation gives the public free, exclusive access to more than 200 hidden gems and architectural landmarks that are rarely ever seen by the public.

Highlights include visiting the Suite of Presidents at the Blackstone Renaissance Hotel where 12 sitting presidents have stayed, step inside the vault of the Chicago Board of Trade Building, and more across the city. Logan Square and Avondale will be making their Open House Chicago debut this year. Tucked among the neighborhoods’ graceful boulevards are surprising cultural venues like Stan Mansion, whose Greystone front conceals an enormous ballroom, and Aloft Circus Arts, a historic church building adapted into a circus arts school. In the area’s industrial pockets, you’ll be able to see the production facilities of some of Chicago’s hottest brands, including Metropolis Coffee and Revolution Brewing.

Open House Chicago Info

OHC is completely free-of-charge—no registration or tickets are needed. So gather your friends, plan your itinerary, and learn the stories of Chicago’s buildings while experiencing the diversity and culture of the city’s myriad communities.

A full list of all the sites is available here:

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