Safety Guidelines for Eating Out


As of June 3rd, Mayor Lightfoot has announced Chicago will be entering Phase 3 of reopening of the Chicago businesses. With restaurants being able to open for outdoor eating only, those of you traveling to Chicago will need to be aware of the new norm when dining out due to Covid-19.  

It may take a bit of getting used to as dining at restaurants won’t look like what it did before. In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus to customers, tourists, and employees, here is a list of new guidelines to keep in mind when heading out in public.  

  • Always stay home if you are feeling sick 
  • Wash your hands often, avoid touching your face 
  • When in public, wear a facemask when you can and keep it on while waiting to be seated or to for your food  
  • Plan accordingly such as dining during their non-peak hours or choose a restaurant that may have limited crowds 
  • Be aware that waiting rooms are not able to have more than 10 people  
  • Parties will be restricted to 6 persons or fewer 
  • To help keep  you at a socially responsible distance, you will see tables that are placed at least 6 feet apart 
  • Salt and pepper shakers and other shared condiments will be removed from tables 
  • Outdoor seating is believed to be lower risk.

Yes, dining will look a little different, but that doesn’t mean it will be any less enjoyable. People can still enjoy venturing out in public as long as they familiarize themselves with the CDC guidelines and by using common sense safety measures like washing your hands often, caring hand sanitizer, and covering your faces for sneezes and coughs. Visitors can also feel a greater sense of safety by carrying disinfectant wipes, avoiding large crowds, and calling ahead to find out if a restaurant is at capacity. 

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