Lincoln Park Conservatory Spring Flower Show


Tired of gardens, flowers, and trees? Of course not because we’ve spent so many months living in a barren snow-pocalypse. So take every opportunity to enjoy the bloom.

The Lincoln Park Conservatory is back with their Spring Flower Show that will get you in the right spirit for the season. The star of the show are the azaleas, which are the direct descendants of the azaleas featured in the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Along with the azaleas, the show features spring flowering annuals and spring flowering perennials. Even if your not the biggest garden fan it’s always worth a trip to the conservatory for the constant 75-degree temperature inside. It doesn’t get any more spring than that.

The Spring Flower Show runs until May 10, 2015 at the Lincoln Park Conservatory located at 2391 N. Stockton Dr. For more information visit

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