3 Artists Enhance an Already Unique Shopping Experience

Shopping has never looked so good – especially during the holidays! To see some of the most interesting contemporary exhibits, head down to the Fashion Outlets of Chicago. Here are some of our favorites: A Mural of Massive Proportions From Chicago to Brooklyn, Paris to London. The Fashion Outlets of Chicago’s main entrance is reimagined...


Shopping has never looked so good – especially during the holidays! To see some of the most interesting contemporary exhibits, head down to the Fashion Outlets of Chicago. Here are some of our favorites:

A Mural of Massive Proportions

From Chicago to Brooklyn, Paris to London. The Fashion Outlets of Chicago’s main entrance is reimagined by the work of Derrick Adams. The late Patrick Kelly is paid homage to by the vibrant colors and geometric patterns of the seven-story mural. Kelly is a fashion designer with an eye for patterns and bold statements. This channeled energy that Kelly created is then illuminated! Literally, through Adams’ light installation, Fashion Accessories.

Algorithmic Artwork

One of the staircases towards the mall’s northwest corner is not like the others. Here, Chad Kouri brings an extension of his Art For All series to life. With every step, colorful shape unfold. Yet the real interaction with this piece is seen in the form of a text message. An algorithm programmed by Kouri himself, as he turns every text received into a corresponding piece of custom art. Also to be observed through a monitor where you’ll see all of the art being displayed! Next, the art is then displayed on a monitor at the top of the stairs for everyone to see. While on rotation through a monitor at the top of the stairs!


Empty Bottles Full of Empathy

Liquor bottles are given new life and meaning by Chicago-based artist Edra Soto. Broken pieces that once littered the streets of her East Garfield Park neighborhood. Now, on display for all to see! Also, Soto asks viewers to examine these complex forms as representations of both pleasure and escape from socio-economic oppression. The latest of many rotating exhibits found in the shopping center’s common area is Open 24 Hours.

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